Everybody is welcome: Building an inclusive design capability at Idean

what is it

Over the last 18 months I’ve been on a mission to make Idean the most inclusive Design studio in the UK. In that time I have established new tools and ways of working to embed inclusive design practices in all our projects, as well as shaping and launching two online tools to help other teams to design more inclusively as well. I talk about Inclusive Design on this podcast.

the approach

Since December 2019, I have built a team of Ideanists who feel strongly enough about Inclusive Design to run workshops, onboarding sessions, create new tools and templates and write blog posts in the quiet moments between projects.

We have embedded an inclusive design culture in our projects, built a reputation for inclusive design in the design industry and been invited to speak at some high profile events.

My biggest achievement is leading the conception, development and launch of two game-changing inclusive design tools. Cards for Humanity and The Universal Score.


Let’s play

Cards for humanity can inspire teams to think more inclusively in minutes.

Cards for Humanity is an inclusive ideation tool which helps build empathy and can uncover interesting unconscious biases.

The Universal Score is an evaluation framework that supports product teams to level up the products and services they’re designing by prompting them to think about inclusive design across five dimensions.

The results

Cards for Humanity has been played by over 19,000 people in 116 countries.

Update: It’s won two awards in the Drum’s global design awards, including the prestigious Chair’s award and Design Impact Award.

Universal Score has only been live for a few weeks, but we’ve been getting great engagement with around 60% of visits completing the whole evaluation framework (this is a pretty big deal) to get their results.

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Raise your game

The Universal Score is an inclusive evaluation framework that helps teams design and build more inclusive products and services

The team continues to be super motivated and committed to making Idean the most inclusive design studio in the UK.