from reactive care to proactive support: Redesigning added value services for the UK's biggest mutual insurer

what is it

This insurer was one of the first to offer value added support services alongside their insurance cover, but over the years it had been superseded by more exciting propositions from the competition. It was underused, but also expensive to run. We reimagined the service - shifting from a reactive ‘care’ service to a more proactive service designed to help everybody to live life to the full.

the approach

We used customer research to understand which propositions resonated most strongly, why they didn’t use the current service and what might make them engage more positively with their insurance provider.

We then ran a series of quick experiments to understand which of the propositions was most likely to succeed. The standout proposition was one which used personalised proactive tips and guidance to help customers live well (primarily across health, mental well-being, activity and sleep) we then designed a pilot to test the service with a small handful of new customers before needing substantial investment. The pilot covered customer experience (including a messaging framework), partnerships, operations and data for which we created a pilot blueprint.

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the results

One of the objectives for this long-term client is always to build the product and service design capability within the client team. For this programme we built on the research and ideation skills we had introduced in previous projects, but also introduced new prioritisation tools, how to run experiments and pilot planning.

Thinking about pilots

Thinking about pilots

The team learnt a lot during the pilot and made a few changes to the proposed service offering (new partners, different rewards, a simpler messaging framework), but they also learnt that they have tech and data capability gaps that they need to address before scaling the service.

They have now rolled experiments out to other teams and are excited about the opportunity to quickly test and learn beyond formal research testing.